Follow my work on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and Web of Science (formerly Publons)
In review/in revision
22. The avian lung mycobiome: Phylogenetic and ecological drivers of lung-fungal communities and their potential pathogens.
Salazar-Hamm, PS, CR Gadek, MA Mann, M Steinberg, KN Montoya, M Behnia, EF Gyllenhaal, SS Brady, OM Takano, JL Williamson, CC Witt, and DO Natvig. preprint
21. Resilience and robustness: From sub-organismal responses to communities.
Vitousek, MN, CC Taff, and JL Williamson
20. Taxonomy, nomenclature, and identification of the giant hummingbirds (Patagona spp.) (Aves: Trochilidae)
Williamson, JL, CR Gadek, BW Robinson, E Bautista, SM Bauernfeind, MJ Baumann, EF Gyllenhaal, PP Marra, N Ricote, ND Singh, T Valqui, and CC Witt
preprint (updated September 2024)
19. On the physiology of high-altitude flight and altitudinal migration in birds
Ivy, CM and JL Williamson
Integrative and Comparative Biology 64: 1766-1779 pdf
18. Extreme elevational migration spurred cryptic speciation in giant hummingbirds
Williamson, JL, EF Gyllenhaal, SM Bauernfeind, E Bautista, MJ Baumann, CR Gadek, PP Marra, N Ricote, T Valqui, F Bozinovic, ND Singh, and CC Witt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (21) e2313599121 pdf thread
Popular press: CNN, The Times London, BBC Wildlife, Audubon Magazine, Newsweek, Infobae, BioBioChile, Cooperativa Ciencia, IFL Science & others
Press releases: Cornell Chronicle & UNM Newsroom
PNAS Commentary: Endurance athletes hiding in plain sight in the Andes
Podcast: Birds of a Feather Talk Together, Episode 49: Giant Hummingbird
17. What can tree swallows teach us about biology?
Miller, CR, JL Houtz, N Mejia, NJ Morris, MA Pipkin, A Shankar, JJ Uehling, JL Williamson, and MN Vitousek
Frontiers for Young Minds 12:1274157 pdf
Witt, CC, CR Gadek, J-L Cartron, MJ Andersen, ML Campbell, M Castro-Farías, EF Gyllenhaal, AB Johnson, J Malaney, KN Montoya, A Patterson, NT Vinciguerra, JL Williamson, JA Cook, and JL Dunnum
Environmental Research 249: 118229 pdf
Press releases: UNM Newsroom
Baumann, MJ, SV Brant, SM Bauernfeind, CRB Gerhart, JL Williamson, AB Johnson, G Spellman, S Uhrig, S West, and CC Witt
Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135(3): 327-344 pdf
14. Hummingbird blood traits track oxygen availability across space and time
Williamson, JL, EB Linck, E Bautista, A Smiley, JA McGuire, R Dudley, and CC Witt
Ecology Letters 26(7): 1-14 pdf data thread
13. Blood variation implicates respiratory limits on elevational ranges of Andean birds
Linck, EB, JL Williamson, E Bautista, EJ Beckman, PM Benham, SG DuBay, LM Flores, CR Gadek, AB Johnson, MR Jones, J Núñez-Zapata, A Quiñonez, CJ Schmitt, D Susanibar, J Tiravanti, K Verde-Guerra, NA Wright, T Valqui, JF Storz, and CC Witt
American Naturalist 201(5): 741-754 pdf
12. Intra- and interspecific nest stacking of marsh-dwelling songbirds
Gadek, C, JL Williamson, and CC Witt
Biotropica 54(5): 1131–1136 pdf
Toews, DPL, T Rhinehard, R Mulvihill, SC Galen, S Gosser, T Johnson, JL Williamson, AW Wood, and SC Latta
Ecology and Evolution 12(8): e9512 pdf
Popular press: National Geographic, NPR, WESA Pittsburgh NPR News Station, IFL Science & others
Williamson JL*, EF Gyllenhaal*, KD Oliver, SS Brady, AB Johnson, M Michelsohn, and MJ Andersen
* = Equal contributions
Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(1): 82-102 pdf
Wilson Ornithological Society blog post
9. A lightweight backpack harness for tracking hummingbirds
Williamson, JL and CC Witt
Journal of Avian Biology e02802 pdf data thread
harness construction guide (downloadable printout for fieldwork)
8. Elevational niche-shift migration: Why the degree of elevational change matters for the ecology, evolution, and physiology of migratory birds *Editor's Choice & Finalist for the Wesley Lanyon Award
Williamson, JL and CC Witt
Ornithology 138(2): 1-26 pdf data thread
Popular press: Current Conservation
Featured in BioOne Vista rainforest ecology special issue (June 2022)
7. Contrasting drivers of diversity in hosts and parasites across the tropical Andes
McNew, SM, LN Barrow, JL Williamson, SC Galen, H Skeen, SG DuBay, AM Gaffney, AB Johnson, E Bautista, P Ordoñez, CJ Schmitt, A Smiley, T Valqui, JM Bates, SJ Hackett, and CC Witt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(12) e2010714118 pdf
Press releases: UNM Newsroom and The Field Museum
Williamson, JL and MJ Baumann
Western Birds 52(1): 68-75 pdf
Barrow LN, SM Bauernfeind, PA Cruz, JL Williamson, DL Wiley, JE Ford, MJ Baumann, SS Brady, AN Chavez, CR Gadek, SC Galen, AB Johnson, XM Mapel, RA Marroquin-Flores, TE Martinez, JM McCullough, J McLaughlin, and CC Witt
Oecologia 195: 435-451 pdf
Galen, SC, J Borner, JL Williamson, CC Witt, and SL Perkins
Molecular Ecology Resources 20: 14-28 pdf
Perspective piece in Molecular Ecology Resources 20: 8-10
3. Ecology, not distance, explains community composition in parasites of sky-island Audubon’s Warblers
Williamson, JL, CJ Wolf, LN Barrow, MJ Baumann, SC Galen, CJ Schmitt, D Schmitt, AS Winter, and CC Witt
International Journal for Parasitology 49 (6): 437-448 pdf
Marroquin-Flores, RA, JL Williamson, AN Chavez, SM Bauernfeind, MJ Baumann, CR Gadek, AB Johnson, JM McCullough, CC Witt, and LN Barrow
PeerJ 5: e3700 pdf
Williamson, JL and ME Fagan
Ornitología Neotropical 28: 163-174 pdf
Non-refereed Publications
5. The role of elevation in the migration, physiology, and genomic diversification of birds
Williamson, JL. 2024. Dissertation, University of New Mexico.
*Winner of the Tom. L. Popejoy Prize for best dissertation, University of New Mexico
4. Golden-plumed Parakeet (Leptosittaca branickii), version 1.0.
Williamson, JL. 2020. Birds of the World (SM Billerman, BK Keeney, PG Rodewald and TS Schulenberg, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
3. Reproductive biology, behavior, and population demographics of Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii) in Ecuador
Williamson, JL. 2015. Technical Report, Jocotoco Foundation.
2. Influence of gap width and perceived risk of predation on gap-crossing behavior of resident passerine birds in a Northern hardwood forest
Williamson, JL. 2012. Undergraduate Senior Thesis, Middlebury College.
1. Dos especies de pericos amenazados en el sureste del Ecuador: biología reproductiva y aspectos ecológicos del Perico Cachetidorado (Leptosittaca branickii) y el Perico Pechiblanco (Pyrrhura albipectus) en la Reserva Tapichalaca, Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador con notas sobre su campaña de protección
Williamson, JL. 2011. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection, School for International Training (SIT), Ecuador.